Bill BlazekSales EngineerWindows, doors, and facadesT +1 330 487 6623M +1 440-991-7640F +1 330 487 6682bill [dot] blazek [at] technoform [dot] com
Nazarena RodriguezSales Engineer (Spanish speaking)Insulating glass, Windows, doors, and facadesM +54 911 4565 5758nazarena [dot] rodriguez [at] technoform [dot] com
Stephen AkiSales EngineerWindows, doors, and facadesT +1 330 487 6632M +1 971-832-0502F +1 330 487 6633stephen [dot] aki [at] technoform [dot] com
William GreenSales EngineerWindows, doors, and facadesT +1 330 487 6666M +1 216-217-9607william [dot] green [at] technoform [dot] com
Wylan MarquezSales EngineerWindows, doors, and facadesT +1 330 487 6669M +1 253 384 6951wylan [dot] marquez [at] technoform [dot] com
Technoform BrazilRua Coronel Fernando Prestes 350, sala 141CEP 09020-110Centro- Santo AndréBrazilT +55 119 9402 0468