Our Time to Act - November blog post

Blog by Helen Sanders, Ph.D
I am writing this on the eve of the United Nations 26th Conference of Parties (U.N. COP26) on climate change. This is likely one of the most consequential international summits of world leaders of our time. The decisions and agreements made at this summit will determine the course of climate change, the future habitability of the planet, the well-being of humankind and sustenance of civil society.
This may sound like hyperbole, but I recommend taking a dive into the U.N. Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report, which lays out the data and consequences of inaction in sobering terms. Also, see here for a compelling video of Sir David Attenborough’s COP26 keynote. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate.Gov: “Today, there is no real disagreement among climate experts that humans are the primary cause of recent global warming."
The early effects of climate change are already upon us...to continue reading click here.
(the full blog, as well as previous posts, are hosted on usglassmag.com)
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.com